You have your mobile food business concept, you have ordered your mobile food equipment from us at Custom Mobile Food Equipment, now where do you go to source your ingredients?
We want your mobile food business to be as successful as you do. Here are some tips on how and where to source your ingredients. You should take the time to not only consider cost, but also quality. Your success in the food truck business will depend on both of these factors. Prepare a budget that includes your best estimate of volume and stick to your budget. Consider the possibilities of running out and spoilage. Make a list…then let’s source!
Farmer’s markets and green markets are very popular places to source ingredients. Costs can be a bit higher, but stressing the quality and organic nature of the food will definitely attract the more health conscience consumer. Go to the farms and get to know who is growing your ingredients.

Wholesale clubs like Sam’s, Costco and BJ’s are great places to buy ingredients in bulk. There is typically an annual membership fee. Prices are reasonable and shopping at these clubs will allow you to stock up on ingredients with a longer shelf life.
There are a plethora of wholesale food distributors to choose from. There is more than likely a number of them located in your area and offer delivery. Major wholesale food distributors include Sysco and US FoodService. Unlike clubs, there is no membership fee and the convenience of delivery and vast inventory of products may make this option a better one for your mobile food truck business.
You can save a lot of money on ingredients by joining a co-op. You order large quantities through collaborations with local food truck businesses and even restaurants. You can look in your neighborhood for co-op opportunities or even create your own.